FBI & State of Maryland Applicant Licensing
Take advantage of our easy one-stop registration, appointment, and payment system.
Walk-Ins are accepted until 3:30 PM. However, please take note that Pre-Registrations will have priority.
Maryland Livescan is the most widely-utilized, trusted and reliable state and Federal livescan fingerprint service provider in the mid-Atlantic region. Licensed by the State of Maryland Department of Public Safety (CJIS), Maryland Livescan was the first full-service company in the state of Maryland to provide a broad range of fast, convenient, safe and secure state FBI electronic fingerprinting to the general public for reasons including, but not limited to, state and/or federal employment, licensing, domestic, international adoption, and immigration visa for traveling abroad and more. Obtaining a state or federal criminal history record check, including obtaining fingerprint only services, takes only minutes to complete.
The Empire Towers Building
7310 Ritchie Hwy. Suite 610
Glen Burnie, MD 21061-3296

Florida Fingerprinting Services
Please complete the form for Florida Livescan services and schedule your appointment.
The new, on-site, state-of-the-art computer lab is available to all applicants and licensees. The lab provides applicants and licensees with the necessary resources to complete and print online registrations and licensing applications at the time of being fingerprinted and photographed.

State of Maryland Applicant & Licensee Livescan Services
State, county, and municipal government applicants and licensees requiring criminal background record checks, as well as individuals who desire to receive their own criminal background record check, are encouraged to utilize our fast, easy and convenient pre-registration process to register online and schedule an appointment for livescan fingerprinting services. To begin, please select one of the links below that matches the purpose for which you require a criminal history records check.

FBI Express Criminal History Background Reports
FBI Express Criminal History Background Reports (sometimes referred to as your “Identity History Summary” or “Rap Sheet”) are available on an expedited basis to U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents. Reports are available to the applicant to download securely online, in most cases within 24 hours. Reports by mail are typically received in 7-10 business days. For applicants who are not U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents, we can provide fingerprint cards for direct submission to the FBI under the “EDO” Process. For additional information and instructions regarding requesting an FBI Criminal History Background Report in person, submit completed fingerprint cards to us by mail or to the FBI through the “EDO” process, please click here…

DoD SWFT Express Livescan Fingerprinting for Federal Government Contractors
U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) SWFT (Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission) Express livescan fingerprinting is available for all government contractors. We can also provide form FD-258 fingerprint cards for submission, where accepted, to federal agencies and for federal government employment. Additionally, we can also livescan your fingerprints to form SF-87 fingerprint cards for government employment and to most other fingerprint card variations. For additional information and to access SWFT on-line express registration, please click here …
Livescan Fingerprinting On-site Mobile Services
Mobile Livescan Fingerprinting services are available throughout the State of Maryland, District of Columbia and Northern Virginia to all government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, schools and others who have a group of applicants or licensees that require fingerprinting for State and/or Federal criminal background record checks. If you would like to have our Mobile Livescan Fingerprinting unit visit your location, please call 410-761-6700 and speak to a representative.
Processing Times
State of Maryland criminal history background checks submitted electronically average 24 hours or less to be completed and received by the respective agency. Physical copies sent to the applicant are generally received within 7-10 business days. If you have not received your requested report within 10 business days, please call the Maryland Department of Public Safety directly at 410-764-4501.
As an FBI channeling partner, FBI criminal history background checks are typically available to the applicant to retrieve via a secure on-line portal within 24 hours. Physical copies sent to the applicant are generally received within 7-10 business days. If you have not received your requested report within 10 business days, please call our office at 410-761-6700.
Approximately 7 to 10 days after submitting the record request applicant and licensees should receive a copy of the report by regular mail.
Individuals who fail to receive a copy of the report are advised to contact the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services directly at 410-764-4501 or their appropriate state or Federal government agency.
Click on the appropriate form below to enter your information, select an appointment day/time, and pay for your service.
Two 2″ x 2″ Photos are provided complimentary where required for the license application for which you are being fingerprinted.
If you do not see the form you are looking for, please contact 410-761-6700.
State of Maryland
Auto Sales
Board of Nursing – Maryland
Board of Pharmacy
Cannabis Commission
Child Care Licensing and Dept. of Education
Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene “DHMH”
Driver Instructor – Motor Vehicle Administration
Individual Review MD | FBI
Liquor Board Licensing
Locksmith Licensing
Lottery Commission and Gaming Control
Precious Metal Dealers and Pawn Brokers
Private Employer Petition
Public Service Commission – For-Hire Driver
Taxi Cab Licensing